Michelle Pritchard has a varied and exciting performance background which includes tours in Europe, Concerts in Singapore, Masterclasses in USA and she also performs in many chamber music concerts in and around Sydney. Concerts 2024
December 24th Doopgezindekerk, Middelburg 7.30pm (Kerstmis) Solo Bach December 1st 15:30 Oersoep Michelle performs with Bert Kreeft Zeeuwse Concertzaal Middelburg Saturday November 30th 15:30 Sonatas by v b Fock and Henri Vieuxtemps for altviool en piano Koorkerk, Middelburg Michelle with Rien Balkenende Friday November 29th 20:00 Oersoep Michelle performs with Bert Kreeft Ledeltheater, Oostburg Sunday November 24th 15:00 50 year Jubilee Cantorij Der Basiliek, HulSt Anton de Kort Ty Orkest Works- Faure, Mozart, Purcell, Franck, Jenkins, Mendelssohn, Gilkyson Sunday November 17th 10:00 Nieuwekerk, Middelburg Nieuwe Kerkgemeente, Middelburg Michelle performs Biber Passacaglia- solo altviool Saturday November 16th 19:30 Koninklijke Oratorium Vvereeniging Ty Orkest Zeeuwse Concertzaal Middelburg 1st September SMITH ART 16:00 SmithArt Gallery Venue: Singelstraat 13 • Middelburg Concert: ' heimwee als bron van inspiratie bij Hindemith en Martinu TRIO Rien Balkenende piano, Maaike v.d. Heijdt fluit, Michelle Pritchard Altviool 28th August Zeeland Nazomerfestival Abdijplein- Middelburg19:00 - Plein open 20:00 - Start programma 18th July LANGE JAN PROJECT Michelle Pritchard and Rien Balkenende Programma Miniconcerten 2024 Koorkerk Middelburg donderdag 15.00 -15.30 uur Stichting Anthonie Keldermans Concerten 15th June, 2024 Time- 15:30 Venue: Het Oude Stadhuis, Hoogstraat 12, 4691 CB Tholen Telefoon: 06 42 44 16 62 "Altviool, verbeelding en vernieuwing” Michelle Pritchard, altviool Rien Balkenende, vleugel Sonatas by Fock; Frid (Sonatine) and Brahms Kamermuziek in de Koorkerk 9th July 2024 Time- 3.30pm Venue, Koorkerk Middelburg Michelle Pritchard- Viola Rien Balkenende- Piano Sonatas by Fock; Frid (Sonatine) and Brahms Mostly Modern Festival Orchestra 23rd April- Readings 2pm-5pm AND 28th April Concert 3pm Venue- Zeeuwse Concertzaal, Middelburg The Netherlands (As well as recitals, Michelle performed in concerts with Zeeuws Orkest, Zeeland, The Netherlands. January, March 2024) Stichting Kamermuziek Zeeland and Zeeuwse Concertzaal Michelle Pritchard and Natasja Douma April 7th, 2024 Time- 11am Venue- Zeeuwse Concertzaal 3rd March SmithArt Michelle performed with Dutch composer Christian Blaha Concerts 2023 Sunday 19th November Central Coast Chorale and chamber orchestra Baroque and Beyond St. Patrick’s Church, East Gosford Sunday 12th November Sydney Sings Sydney Town Hall The Creation- Haydn Sydney University Graduate Choir, orchestra, soloists Saturday 21st October Music on Mount David Michelle Pritchard and Julia Brimo Viola piano recital Works by Agir, Schubert, Frid, Brahms and Vieuxtemps Sunday, 13 August Sydney University Graduate Choir and Orchestra Handel's Esther 3.00 pm University of Sydney, Great Hall Thursday 25th May Maarten Bauer Final Showcase Concert Composition Department The Royal Conservatoire, The Hague Sunday 30th April Mostly Modern Festival, Zeeland Mostly Modern Orchestral Concert Zeeuwse Concertzaal 2.30pm Wednesday 26th April ADRZ Hematologie symposium, Goes Michelle Pritchard and Marco van Pagee Ensemble- Viola+ 16th April Koorkerk, Middelburg Michelle Pritchard- altviool Rien Balkenende- piano Märchenbilder op.113- Robert Schumann 1 Nicht schnell 2 Lebhaft 3 Rasch 4 Langsam, mit melancholischem Lachrymae op. 48- Benjamin Britten Sonate op. 120 no. 1 F moll- Johannes Brahms 1 Allegro appassionato 2 Andante un poco adagio 3 Allegretto grazioso 4 Vivace 11th March muziek in de brasserie: VIOLA+ Het is weer tijd voor muziek in de Brasserie! Deze zaterdag is het de eer aan het duo VIOLA+ om de Brasserie te vullen met gezellige muzikale klanken. Michelle Pritchard (viool/altviool) & Marco van Pagee (altviool) vormen samen het duo VIOLA+. Het duo brengt een gevarieerd klassiek programma bestaande uit klassieke, romantische periodes tot Piazzolla’s beroemde tangos. 26th February Kerk Biedt Podium 3pm Doopsgezinde Kerk, Middelburg voor de pauze is het podium voor het a capella kwartet BrosZ . De vier mannen nemen ons vocaal door de tijd mee, vanaf de 15e eeuw met Orlando di Lassus tot in onze tijd met Lorenz Maierhofer. Na de pauze soleert altvioliste Michelle Pritchard in werken van Bach, Biber en Vieuxtemps . Ze sluit af met de sonate in e moll van Telemann voor viola di gamba en continuo. Bert Geleijnse speelt hierbij op het orgel de continuo-partij. 27th January, 28th January; 2nd, 4th and 5th February Douwe Eisenga: The Flood Requiem 1953 - Helena van Heel, mezzosopraan - Zeeuws Concertkoor & Vocaal Ensemble Cantare - TY Zeeuws Kamerorkest De algehele leiding is in handen van Pim Overduin, dirigent De concerten zijn op: 1. vrijdag 27 januari 2023 20.00 in de Sint Jacobskerk Vlissingen 2. zaterdag 28 januari 2023 20.00 in de Grote of Maria Magdalenakerk Goes 3. donderdag 2 februari 2023 20.00 in theaterkerk De Nieuwe Kerk Zierikzee 4. zaterdag 4 februari 2023 20.00 in het Atrium van het gemeentehuis van Tholen 5. zondag 5 februari 2023 14.30 (matinee) in theaterkerk De Nieuwe Kerk Zierikzee 22nd January VIOLA and PIANO SONATAS Michelle will perform in concert with pianist Rien Balkenende Sonatas by César Franck and Rebecca Clarke Lokatie: Koorkerk, Middelburg Tijd: 16:00 12th, 13th and 14th January Het Zeeuws Orkest Berlioz and Strauss. With Irene Kuiper en Frederique Sluyterman van Loo Scheldetheater, Terneuzen St. Jacobskerk, Vlissingen De Mythe, Goes CONCERTS 2022 26th November Ty Kamerorkest 8pm Sint Jacobskerk, Vlissingen, Oude Markt 2. Works by Bach- a selection from some of his beautiful Cantatas. 29th October Orkun Ağır and Michelle Pritchard LocHall, Tilburg Further details TBC Works by Ağır 16th October Zeeuwse Orkest 3.30pm and 8pm Goes, de Mythe Works by Shostakovich- a selection from 'Hamlet suite'; Mendelssohn- A Midsummer Nights Dream and Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. 15th October Zeeuwse Orkest 3.30pm and 8pm Zeeuwse Concertzaal Works by Shostakovich- a selection from 'Hamlet suite'; Mendelssohn- A Midsummer Nights Dream and Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. 10th June, 2022 oersoep-in-middelburg Poetry, rap, improvisation. Consertzaal, Middelburg- 8pm 9th June, 2022 VIOLA concert, The Royal Conservatoire, The Hague 6-9pm 9th June 2022 Festival Classique with harpest Ian McVoy and Trio Erzulie. 5pm 8th June, 2022 Ian McVoy recital with Trio Erzullie, 2pm 2nd June 2022 Lange Jan Project Michelle performed Vivaldi, Telemann, Bach Mozart and Vieuxtemps in the Koorkerk 3pm with Bert Geleijnse (organ) 30th May, 2022. 7pm Amare, The Hague. Final Master Recital. Premieres of new works and lesser known works. Bowen, Kats-Chernin, Hughes, Bauer, Edwards and Badings. 15th May, 2022 Classical Tour Bloemendaal with Harp trio- Trio Erzulie. Works by C.P.E. Bach and Debussy. 28th April- 1st May 2022. Mostly Modern Festival - The Netherlands | April 28 to May 1 › event Michelle performed as a part of the MMF harp trio, and the chamber orchestra. 23rd April 2022 at 8pm Doopsgezindekerk, Middelburg Master 2 Recital program Michelle performed with Gerard Boeters, piano. This included a Premiere of 'Firemusic' by Australian composer Christopher Bowen for viola and piano which resulted from collaboration with the Australian composer as a part of her Master research. Orkun Ağır introduced his work Preludio di Quintetto for solo viola. Other works included `Badings Viola Sonata and Australian compositions by Elena Kats-Chernin and Ross Edwards. 22nd April 2022, Michelle performed Mahler 5th Symphony in Amare, The Hague as principal violist with the Royal Conservatoire's Symphony Orchestra. 16th April 2022 Michelle played in the Easter SERVICE, Nieuwekerk, Middelburg with Christian Blaha. 26th January 2022 Vije Geluiden- Michelle recorded live performance. Released on You tube etc -26th February. 2nd January 2022 Michelle played in the Sunset service, Nieuwekerk, Middelburg with Christian Blaha CONCERTS 2021 30th October 2021 Michelle performed with Marco van Pagee and Bert Geleijnse for Kerk Biedt Podium concert in Middelburg. Baroque to Bartok. 11th Septemeber 2021 Monument Day concert, Doopsehezinde kerk, Middelburg with Marco van Pagee and Bert Geleijnse. 26th August 2021 Open Churches, Middelburg Doopsgezinde Kerk with marco van Pagee and Bert Geleijnse. 9th, 10th, 16th and 17th July, 2021, Michelle performed (violin and viola) alongside Marco van Pagee(viola) at the Oostkerk in Middelburg, The Netherlands as a part of a Pop up Restaurant and music series. Works by Leclair, Mozart, Piazzolla, Myers and more. For more info see 14th July- 2021 Orkun Ağır's Preludium di Quintetto for viola solo released to all social media platforms! I was privileged to be the artist recording this by the composer himself! 14/5/2021 Recital- Master 1- The Hague, The Netherlands. works by Agir, Bax and Frid. with Gerard Boeters, piano. 10/04/2021 Kerk biet Podium- Middelburg, The Netherlands Michelle Pritchard- violin/viola Marco van Pagee- viola Works by Mozart, Rolla, Bartok and Bach solo CONCERTS 2020- the year that concerts were cancelled due to Covid-19 Concerts 2019 8/12/2019 Sydney University Graduate Choir Sun, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm The University of Sydney - Great Hall, Science Rd Camperdown NSW Works performed: Weihnachts Overture – Nicolai O Come Emmanuel - arr. Bowen Huron Carol – arr. Bowen That Virgin’s Child – Bowen A Wexford Carol – arr. Bowen Der Stern von Bethlehem - Rheinberger 24/11/2019 Central Coast Chorale and chamber orchestra Haydn's Creation Symphony 3pm Gosford High School- Racecourse Rd, Gosford 23/11/2019 Student End of Year Concert 5-8pm 17/11/2019 Michelle Urquhart in Concert #3, 2019 series with guest artists Julia Brimo, piano and Linda Kurti, piano 2pm St Luke's Mosman An all Australian Program Including works by Ross Edwards, Elena Kats-Chernin, Gordon Kerry, Miriam Hyde and Anthony Doheny 10/11/2019 Sydney University Graduate Choir: Sydney Sings™ Brahm's Requiem Sun, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm Sydney Town Hall, 483 George St Sydney NSW 3/11/19 Music on Mount David 2.30 pm 185 Loch Erin Rd, Mount David, New South Wales, Australia 2795 The Robinia Ensemble Works for Piano Quartet by Saint- Saens and Schumann. Violin- Nicole Hammill Viola- Michelle Urquhart Cello- Susan Blake Piano- Julia Brimo 15/9/19 Michelle Urquhart In Concert with guest artists Kian Woo piano Marco van Pagee viola Works by Bach, Halvorsen, Hindemith, Enescu and a premier of newly commissioned Contrapunctus II by David Hush. St Luke’s Anglican Church, Mosman 2pm 11/8/2019 Sydney University Graduate Choir and Orchestra The Joan Carden Award 3pm, The Great Hall, Sydney University Messa Di Gloria-Puccini, also 6 Arias July- European Concerts- Netherlands and UK Recital with Marco van Pagee Middelburg and the Ditchley Quartet in UK 15/6/2019 Michelle's students in concert For students to have performance practise in front of a supportive audience. 9/5/19 Clare Heuston Recital Macquarie Park 1.30pm Including works by Heuston, Clarke, Caccini, Viadot 5/5/19 FRANCOIS-JOSEPH GOSSEC – “REQUIEM” Sydney University Graduate Choir and Orchestra. The Great Hall, Sydney University 3pm 17/3/19 Michelle Urquhart in Concert Kegelstatt Trio, Mozart; Lament by Bridge for two Viola’s and Brahms F Minor Viola Sonata. Michelle Urquhart violin,viola Marco van Pagee viola Julia Brimo Piano 10/3/2019 The Vallerstein Trio in Concert For International Women's Day with Rachel Valler (OAM), piano and Clare Heuston, soprano. 2.30pm Waverley Library, Waverley 26/01/2019 and 27/1/2019 Ensemble Viola+, Bergen, North Holland The Netherlands. (TBC) Michelle Urquhart and Marco van Pagee for the Phoenix Group CONCERTS 2018 25/11/18 Central Coast Chorale and orchestra The Messiah-Gosford High School Auditorium 11/11/2018 SYDNEY SINGS Sydney University Graduate Choir and Orchestra The Australian War Requiem-Christopher Bowen. Sydney Town Hall 21/10/2018- Salon Concert, Zeeuwse Concerzaal- Middelburg, The Netherlands Selected pieces from the Viola in Focus repertoire with Marco van Pagee 29/10/2018 House Concert, Middelburgh The Netherlands "Altviool in Focus" Michelle Urquhart and Marco van Pagee viola Solo program Bach, Biber and Vieuxtemps Duet program Stamitz Leclair and Bartok 9/10/2018 "Viola in Focus" Gallery Different- London, United Kingdom with Artwork by Tara Winona. Michelle Urquhart and Marco van Pagee viola Solo program Bach, Biber and Vieuxtemps Duet program Stamitz Leclair and Bartok A fundraiser for Keratoconus Group UK 23/9/2018 Michelle Urquhart in Concert- Mosman Solo viola program Bach, Biber, Reger, Vieuxtemps, Albeniz 14/8/2019 Sydney University Graduate Choir and orchestra An all Beethoven Concert The Great Hall, Sydney University. 28/7/2018 The Hourglass Ensemble "A Place in My Soul" The Utzon Room, Sydney Opera House Works by Evans, Mozart, Grantham,Sdraulig, Muller 25/7/2018 The Hourglass Ensemble "In Conversation" FineMusicfm Live radio broadcast with select pieces from "A Place in my soul" 22/7/2018 The Hourglass Ensemble "A Place in My Soul" Wesley Music Centre, Canberra Works by Evans, Mozart, Grantham,Sdraulig, Muller Susannah Lawergren soprano Ewa Kowalski flute Michelle urquhart viola Andrew Kennedy clarinet Tim Brigden percussion Anna Rutkowska- Schock piano 16/7/2018 One Month Festival- Somersby School of Arts, Central Coast Performing viola Duets with Marco van Pagee 17/6/2018 Michelle Urquhart in Concert- Mosman with Julia Brimo piano Work by Casadesus, Bloch and Clarke 20/5/2018 The Robinia Ensemble Flute Tree, Leichardt Airena Nakamura violin Michelle Urquhart violin, viola Susan Blake cello Julia Brimo piano Piano Quartets by Mozart, Dvorak and Faure 12/5/2018 The Vallerstein Trio Mother's Day Twilight Eve concert, Microvenue, Haymarket, Sydney Clare Heuston soprano Michelle Urquhart violin and viola Rachel Valler OAM piano Works by Caccini, Von Paradis, Schuman, Viardot, McGill 6/5/2018 Sydney University Graduate Choir and Orchestra Mendelssohn- Psalm 114 and Psalm 42 Nicolai- Te Deum 11/3/2018 The Vallerstein Trio- Waverley Library International Womens Day concert Waverley library. Clare Heuston soprano Michelle Urquhart violin and viola Rachel Valler OAM piano Works by Caccini, Von Paradis, Schuman, Viardot, McGill 25/3/18 Michelle Urquhart in Concert- Mosman "Le Sonata" with Guest Artist Kian Woo- piano Works by Schubert, Schumann, Scarlatti and Rota CONCERTS 2017 10/12/17 Sydney University Graduate Choir and Orchestra St Paul, op 36- Mendelssohn 3/12/17 Michelle Urquhart in Concert with guest artists Linda Kurti and Tony Tanner- piano Works by Mozart, Vieuxtemps, Hindemith, Harris, Ravel and Rachmaninoff. 26/11/17 The Central Coast Chorale- Gosford High Auditorium, Central Coast "The Messiah"- Handel 12/11/17 Sydney Sings Verdi's Requiem Sydney Town Hall with Sydney University Graduate Choir and Orchestra. 29/10/17 Michelle Urquhart in Concert with guest artist Andrew McGrath Works for violin and viola by de Beriot, Beethoven, Mozart, Halvorsen and Hush. 22/10/17 The Hourglass Ensemble "Heaven, Harp and Humanity" The Utzon Room, Sydney Opera House Ewa Kowalski- flute Michelle Urquhart- viola Andrew Kennedy- clarinet Marjorie Maydwell- Harp Gregory Kinda- Piano Works by Prokofiev, Rojas, Connesson, Saint-Saens, Smith, Brumby, Kennedy, Vieuxtemps 14/10/17 The Hourglass Ensemble "Heaven, Harp and Humanity" Newcastle Conservatorium Ewa Kowalski- flute Michelle Urquhart- viola Andrew Kennedy- clarinet Majorie Maydwell- Harp Gregory Kinda- Piano 24/9/17 A Chamber Music Showcase The Goethe Institute, Woollahra Michelle Urquhart, Daniel Morris, Nicole McVicar- Mozart Divertimento 27/8/17 Central Coast Chorale and Chamber orchestra Narara Valley Baptist Durante's Magnificat and Vivaldi's Gloria 13/8/17 Sydney University Graduate Choir and Orchestra The Great Hall, Sydney University Requiem in D Minor- Mozart 24/7/17 One Month Festival Ji-eon Berecry Brown, Juliet Fowler-Smith,Noelene Lucas, Sue Kallernan, Suzanne Bartos, Neil Berecry-Brown Mozart's Requiem 02/07/2017 Concert in aide of Brighter Futures Radiotherapy Unit St Peter's Church, Marlborough, UK Michelle performed with Keith Mitchell, piano and the Ditchley String Trio. 11/06/2017 Michelle Urquhart in Concert with Keith Mitchell St Luke's Mosman works by Chopin, Brahms, Piazzolla, Kats-Chernin 29/05/2017 Lounge Concert with Keith Mitchell works by Glinka, Chopin, Brahms, Piazzolla and Kats-Chernin Narara, Australia 21/05/2017 Sydney University Graduate Choir and Orchestra A program of French composers and our conductor and director Christopher Bowen. Hourglass Ensemble April- May 2017 European Tour, "The Spirit of Australia", flute, clarinet, viola, harp, piano music of Debussy, Kennedy, Rojas, Bruch concerts in Munich, Vienna, Salzburg, Krakow, Katowice and more 26/03/2017 A Chamber Music Showcase with Linda Kurti piano Mendelssohn Viola Sonata Goede Institut, Sydney 19/03/2017 Michelle urquhart in Concert with Deborah Coogan, cello works by Beethoven, Rossini, Bartok 12/03/2017 The Vallerstein trio in concert for International Women's Day with Clare Heuston, Rachel Valler Works by women composers from around the world. 5/3/2017 Music on Mount David Michelle performed with Julia Brimo, piano Works by Casadesus, Vieuxtemps, and Rebecca Clarke 26/01/2017 Australia Day Concert Outdoors at Murray's Run With Chamber musicians and friends 17/01/2017 Michelle Urquhart student master Classes With Marco van Pagee St ives Studio 14/01/2017 Pennant Hills Studio for improvisation and Art with Abe Bastoli and John Murrell 4/12/2016 The Sydney University Graduate Choir and Orchestra The Creation- Haydn The Great Hall, Sydney University 24/11/2016 Recording this week 1. Kian Woo at Fine Music- Rota Intermezzo (Fine Music) 2. Hourglass Ensemble (Trackdown) 11/12/2016 Michelle Urquhart in Concert Guest ensemble: Con Brimo Piano quartets Schumann and Faure St Luke's, Mosman 13/11/2016 "Sydney Sings" Sydney University Graduate Choir and Orchestra and guests The Sydney Town Hall, Sydney 30/10/2016 Michelle Urquhart in Concert Guest artist Julia Brimo Works by Bach, Vieuxtemps, Clarke 25/09/2016 A Chamber Music Showcase Michelle with Keith Mitchell piano Works: Franck viola sonata Goete Institut, Woollahra 4/09/2016 Mountain Muse Salon Eisteddfod on the Mountain participants and local artists from around the Coast Community Gallery, East Gosford 19/08/2016 Sydney University Graduate Choir and Orchestra Works by CPE Bach and Heinchen's Mass no. 9 The Great Hall, Sydney University 3/08/2016 Central Coast Chorale Michelle premiered Christopher Bowen's Sunt Lachrymae St Patrick's Church, East Gosford 31/07/2016 One Month Festival Michelle with pianist Keith Mitchell- Works by Veracini, Stamitz, Chopin, Franck and Rachmaninof 17/07/2016 "Wavelength" Somersby School of the Arts Michelle with artists Gary Warner, Kraig Grady, Nerumi Narushima, and Jieon Berecry-Brown Improvisation 9/07/2016 master Classes for Michelle urquhart's Students with Marco van Pagee in the St Ives Studio 10/07/2016 A Chamber Music Showcase Michelle with kian Woo, piano Works; Nino Rota- Intermezzo The Goete Institute, Woolahra 1/06/2016 St Luke's Music Association Michelle with David Martucci, guitar St Luke's Mosman 18/06/2016 Michelle Urquhart Half yearly Student Concert, Wallarobba Arts and Cultural Centre, Hornsby 12/06/2016 Michelle Urquhart in Concert with The Con Brimo Ensemble Works for Piano quartet by Dvorak, Mahler and Brahms 8/05/2016 Sydney university Graduate Choir and Orchestra Works: Von Suppe Requiem The Great Hall, Sydney University 15/05/2016 Around the World in 80 Minutes Musicus medicus Michelle was soloist in the Bruch Viola and Clarinet Concerto with Andrew Kennedy, clarinet The Concourse, Chatswood 15/4/2016 The Hourglass Ensemble Utzon Room, Sydney Opera House Works by Bruch, Kennedy, Hair, Szeligowski, Holley, Spike Michelle Urquhart violin, viola Ewa Kowalski flute Andrew kennedy clarinet Gregory Kinda piano 8/4/2016 The Hourglass Ensemble Polish Consulate Works by Bruch, Kennedy, Hair, Szeligowski, Holley, Spike Michelle Urquhart violin, viola Ewa Kowalski flute Andrew kennedy clarinet Gregory Kinda piano 13/3/16 Vallerstein Trio in Concert International Women's Day Cathy Wainwright flute Michelle Urquhart violin, viola Rachel Valler piano Works by women composers from France, UK, USA and Australia 26/1/16 An Australian Chamber Music Jam Murrays Run, Central Coast 6/12/15 Sydney University Graduate Choir and Orchestra Israel in Egypt- Handel. Great Hall, Sydney University. 23/11/15 Lounge Concert with Keith Mitchell piano Sonatas by Franck and Glinka for Viola and Piano 15/11/15 Concertante Ensemble "Postcards from Russia" Gosford Anglican Church, Central Coast 1/11/15 Central Coast- Mozart Divertimento Michelle Urquhart violin Danny Morris viola Nicole McVicar cello 16/8/15 Sydney University Graduate Choir and orchestra- Joan Carden Award. Great Hall, Sydney University 1/8/15 Central Coast Chorale and Chamber orchestra- The Mozart Requiem 28/7/15 "Old North Pole" also part of the One Month Festival 2015 and Loco 2. Tibbermore Cattle Farm, Mangrove mountain Michelle improvised with dancer Ji-eon Berecry-Brown with 40 cows! Cattle Handler Neil Berecry-Brown and videographer and photographer Seong Ju Han. 19/7/15 UNITED KINGDOM SUMMER CONCERT with the Ditchley String Quartet, United Kingdom. Winterbourne-Bassett. Works by Bach for solo viola and Mozart String Quintet in G Minor. ITALIAN RECITAL TOUR 2015 Michelle Urquhart (viola) and Keith Mitchell (piano) performed works by Brahms, Franck, Veracini, Paganini, Sculthorpe and other Australian works for viola and piano. Four out of five of these recitals were part of the One Month Festival JULY 2ND 2015 'TEATRO FERONIA' SAN SEVERINO MARCHE (MACERATA) JULY 3RD 2015 PERFORMING IN CINGOLI (MACERATA - MARCHE) 9.30 PM ‘CHIESA DI SAN DOMENICO CINGOLI JULY 5TH 2015 'LA CASA DI GARY' CAMPELLO SUL CLITUNNO (PERUGIA) UMBRIA JULY 8TH 2015 TEATRO DELLA VITTORIA 'MARIO DEL MONACO' SARNANO (MACERATA) MARCHE JULY 10TH 2015 SALA CONSILIARE COMUNE DI TREVIGNANO ROMANO (ROMA) LAZIO 14/6/2015 A Chamber Music Showcase. Michelle Urquhart and Keith Mitchell performing Elena Kats-Chernin’s Still Life @ Independent Theatre 24/5/2015 Music For Life- Ensemble Astor A selction of classical music with infusions of jazz and tango.Inge Courtney-Hajentes, violin;Daniel Bangert, violin; Michelle Urquhart, viola; Steve Meyer, Cello. (Rotary Fundraiser for Lifeline) 13/3/15 The Vallerstein Trio Concert. Cathy Wainright, flute; Michelle Urquhart, violin and viola; Rachel Valler, piano. International Women's Day celebrating Women Composers 3/5/2015 Sydney University Graduate Choir and Orchestra- Stabat Mater- Dvorak. Great Hall,Sydney University. 19/4/2015 Le Voyageur Sans Baggage, Andrew Kennedy clarinet; Tracey Tsang, violin; Michelle Urquhart, viola; Benjamin Chan,piano; Kian Woo, piano. Utzon Room, Sydney Opera House 18/4/2015 Le Voyageur Sans Baggage, Andrew Kennedy clarinet; Tracey Tsang, violin; Michelle Urquhart, viola; Benjamin Chan,piano; Kian Woo, piano. Pitt St Uniting Church, Sydney |